Science Dialogues
Science, Society and Mindful New Ways of Knowing
Science Dialogues is an ongoing study group that explores the way sciences, technology and the arts work to drive, express and satisfy your curiosity about the world around us.
Dialogue has always been a foundational component of our work here at IIS. In fact, the true beginnings of our work began in 1977 when IIS Founder Herb Bernstein and Marcus Raskin began meeting regularly for study groups, eventually found in several locations. These spaces were built on the idea that scientists have a big role to play in creating the reality that we live mainly by choosing what we study and the questions we ask.
We are excited to continue offering an online monthly study group for established and emerging practitioners in STEAMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics and Medicine).
With over 30 years of IIS Institute experience, our study group is designed to help encourage, organize, develop & support you in having the career you desire: a career based on your own passions, values, and interest in the work you do.
We welcome you to join us. Please fill out the form below to receive the study group monthly invitation and zoom links.
“There are no questions which are divorced from moral and ethical concerns—or from concerns of power. Even the most abstract of thought today reflects questions about power and moral relevance…
— Bernstein, H and Raskin M
Watch the recording of our Latest Dialogue: “AI for Whose Good?”
Does AI (artificial intelligence) actually merit even half the hype you are likely to have read or heard about it? Is AI a kind of neutral technology, developed and operating outside of human, moral, or cultural dynamics, and only later applied to a diverse set of scientific and social concerns (guided, perhaps, by expert ethicist judgments)?
Or does AI have a much more complex character, entangled with those concerns at every stage from its design and development to its sociopolitical deployments, far from neutral but instead thoroughly charged with ethical and social values? Like any kind of “intelligence,” does artificial intelligence have important limits internal to it, is artificial intelligence deeply informed by the social conditions, marked by myriad complications and injustices, that they were produced within and are thus more charged to reproduce, rather than to challenge.
Click here to view a recording of our latest Dialogue: “AI for Whose Good?”